Game Changing Virtual Sessions and Keynotes

Greg Satell delivers energizing and actionable keynotes to audiences worldwide by bringing real world stories to life. While many can talk about innovation and transformation, Greg lives it. As a former media CEO and now a bestselling author, he brings a practical approach to creating the future and customizes each talk to impact each particular audience. Greg also thrives on interaction and goes the extra mile to engage the audience in both live and virtual settings.


Watch Greg's Speaker reel

GS Speaking Video Overlay 1
GS Speaking Video Overlay 3


The Physics of Change

GS Speaking 2


How You Successfully Navigate The AI Transformation 

Harvard Business Review article:
4 Principles to Guide Your Digital Transformation

GS Speaking 3


How To Be An Effective Changemaker

GS Speaking 7

Virtual Session/Breakout

Creating A Resistance Inventory

Harvard Business Review article:
4 Tips for Managing Organizational Change

Workshops and Breakouts

GS Speaking 6


Building A Strategy To Overcome Resistance To Change

Harvard Business Review article:
4 Tips for Managing Organizational Change

GS Speaking 5


Innovation 101

Harvard Business Review article:
4 Types of Innovation & the Problems They Solve

GS Speaking 4


How To Empower An Innovative Culture 

Harvard Business Review article:
4 Ways to Build an Innovative Team

What People Are Saying About Greg Satell

Book Greg For Your Next Event

GS Speaking 1